Date: 24/06/2018
Venue: Changjiji Housing Complex

One of the greatest gift you can give is your time.- Volunteer.
As a BSLY volunteer we share our time for great cause in a smaller way "because sharing is loving". So we share our time to create a loving & caring society. Together we can!

Cleaning is not a responsibility of others. One should be responsible for our own waste. If you can manage your own waste, the world would be the cleanest. The volunteers of Bhutan Sharing and Loving Youth gave our time to supported the cleaning awareness program organized by Changjijji Youth Center on a theme "You Waste, You Manage"  and with the message "Where we live must be CLEAN, SAFE, ORGANIZED and BEAUTIFUL for our National Integrity, National Pride and for our Bright Future. This too is Nation Building".

Venue: Tashichhoe Dzong

BSLY in collaboration with other youth groups affiliated with Young Bhutan Network did tree plantation program to commemorate coronation of the Fourth King and celebrate social Forestry Day. The Theme for the day was "Step up for Environment, Stand up for Future"
In the evening the teams also showcased the Open Mic show at BCMD media lab.

Annual General Meeting and Membership Registration

Venue: DYS conferecce Hall

The Annual General Meeting and membership Registration for BSLY was held successfully. The meeting agenda was focused more on BSLY Operational Guideline and Membership Registration. The participants were also explained; why be a member of BSLY and Benefits of being BSLY members.
Furthermore, the work plan of the group for the year 2018 was also discussed.
1.Feeding Club at Memorial chorten 
2.P/ling project (initiated by "The Heal" collaboratively with the P/ling Thromde) 
3.BSlY office set up.
4.BSLY Music Band.

BSLY would like to thank our valued sponsors,
Mr.Gunja Raj Ghalley, MHPA Trongsa, for the Fried rice 
Mr.K.B for two cartoon of Mineral Water
Generation Y for one cartoon mineral water and Frooti Juice
Thank you all the participants, DYS and the sponsors for your immense support.

Capacity Development Workshop

Date: 18-19 May, 2018
Venue: DYS Conference Hall, Thimphu

Representatives of Bhutan Sharing and Loving Youths attended the two days (18-19 May, 2018) Capacity Development Workshop for the coordinator and members of youth group organised by the Department of Youth and Sports.
The two days' Workshop focused on: adolescent and youth engagement and participation skills, how communication skills can play vital role in strengthening and expanding networking, child protection, refining skills on writing resume, proposal writing and interview skill.

The sessions were led by officials from UNICEF Bhutan in partnership with the department of youth and Sports, Ministry of Education. BSLY volunteers were among the thirty-three representatives participating from different youth groups.

Service to Circumambulators

Date: 2 May, 2018
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Venue: JDW National Memorial Chorten

After a lifetime of working, raising families, and contribution to the success of this nation in countless other way, senior citizen deserves the love and time with dignity.

Coinciding with the Birth anniversary of the 3rd Druk Gyelpo and the Teachers’ Day, Mrs. Sonam Yanki, the protagonist of the non-fictitious novel “Morning Sun” and also a member of Bhutan Sharing and Loving Youth (BSLY) collaboratively with the BSLY team served tea and snacks to our senior citizen coming to circumambulate Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Memoriaal Chorten.

The event was also to advocate on the novel “Morning sun”. The profit from the sale of the novel is being used to support unfortunate people.

BSLY would like to thank our valued sponsor;

Mr. Bijay Rai (owner of UMS restaurant) for cold drinks,
Mr. Ran Bdr Ghalley for plastic cups,
Mr. Kinley Wangchuk for snakes,
Mr. Dechen Dorji for rice to make Thuep (porridge),

Without the selfless contribution of our compassionate sponsors, the event would not have been successful.

BSLY conference minutes

Minutes [21/04/2018]
The meeting was called upon by MR. Deepen Raj Ghalley, at 3pm on 21/04/2018 in Department of Youth and Sports (DYS), conference hall.
Members present:
  1.  Deepen Raj Ghalley
  2. Denjay Dukpa
  3.  Karma Wangda
  4. Sirijana Rai
  5. Bedika Ghalley
  6. NidupTshering Dorji
  7. Raymon Rai
  8. Sonam Yangki
  9. Amrith Nesor
  10. Chenga Lhamo
  11. Robin Gurung
  12. Amrita Gurung
  13. KB Yogi
  14. Pradeep Pradhan
  15. Shancha Tamang
  16. Bikram
  17. Punkageupriti
  18. AmrithSubba
  19. Duptho Wangdi
  20. Tika Ram Basnet
  21. Karma Wangda
  22. Karma

Meeting Agenda
Ø  Introduction
Ø   BSLY ( Mission, vision, slogan, logo & objectivities) 
Ø  Over all progress of BSLY
Ø  Membership Registration
Ø  Acknowledging Sponsor’s & BSLY T-shirt
Ø  Question & Answer session
Ø  Futsal competition

The conference begin with the welcome speech by Miss Sirijana Rai and introduction of the member’s present, followed by Mr. Karma Wangd, coordinator, shared about the DAISAN group history and its objectives and also Mr.NidupTshering Dorji,coordinator of Y-VIA RTC,  shared about the Y-VIA core mission and its start up. Then the floor was taken by Mr. Deepen Raj Ghalley.
BSLY (Mission, vision, slogan, logo & objectivities) Progress so far.
The seminar was held for the first time to make familiarize to our members what the group is all about (logo, mission, vision, objectives, focus etc.) which was not done so far.
The three constituent colors of the logo are yellow, orange and white, which signifies selflessness, service and purity. Inspired by the constituent colors of the national flag.
  • Yellow: The human form in yellow color signifies the strong voluntary power among the youth of Bhutan.
  • The raised hand of the human form signifies READINESS AND WILLINGNESS to help others who are in need of help.
  • The orange lettering BSLY signifies, STRONG, VIBRANT, AND SOCIAL INCLUSIVE to society where the spirit of voluntarism and social capital are high, enabling conditions conducive to optimize the ideals and values of GNH.
  • The white background on which the logo is set signifies the primary feature of BSLY- PURITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, APOLITICAL, and DEDICATION to serve of the King,Country and People’s.

Vision:A loving and caring society of Gross National Happiness
Mission: To promote and develop the spirit of volunteerism
Slogan: Make the world a better place
Ø  To support important programs and events of social NGOs by providing human capital.
Ø  To maintain a vital society backed by voluntary activities of different scopes and causes for sustainable social development.
Ø  Educate the society on the strength of volunteerism.
Ø  To engage the youths in productive activities.
Ø  To fulfill the noble vision of GNH
Ø  To provide needy social humanitarian services to the people who are in need of such assistance as care and moral support.
Our focus:
Ø  Voluntary services during events organized by NGOs and Non-profit organizations to meet the current shortage of human force and to provide mental and physical support to the needy, especially physically challenged.
Ø  To promote and develop spirit of volunteerism among youth
Ø  Volunteer for National Drug Awareness Campaign 2017, conducted by Chithen Phenday Association.
Ø  Attended to a senior citizens (provided for by Royal Society for Senior Citizen) who had no relatives  at JDWNR Hospital
Ø  Fund Raising programs for Needy & Paralyzed
Ø  Sharing time with, and assisting,  the physically challenged individuals
Ø  Participated in Royal Society for Senior Citizen Day[2/10/2017]
Ø  Organized BSLY orientation program 20/01/2018
Ø  Participated in orientation program organized by DYS, Young Bhutan Network(YBN) 09/02/2018
Ø  Participated in community Bhutanese Blogger 10/02/2018
Ø  Launched of BSLY official Blog 21/02/2018
Ø  BSLY organized cleaning campaign to support YBN(Young Bhutan network) 25/02/2018
Ø  YBN was invited at the UNICEF Bhutan Gathering 18/04/2018
Ø  International: Participated in project planning initiated by JCI APDC[14/10/2017]
Note: The above points was presented through photo slights presentation.
Challenges and future ruff plans was also briefed.
Membership Registration
The membership to BSLY is open to all youth both in-school-youth and out-of-school-youth irrespective of their ages who have faith and commitment to the vision and objective of BSLY.
Every details of the members who are supposed to get registered has to be maintained then and there. Therefore, once the membership registered is done the next meeting will be held on 25/04/2018 to discuss on the work plans for 2018 tentatively with small ceremony.
Note: our valued members and the sponsor can get themselves registered online
Bottom line: We will have the exact figure of the members where by the members performance appraisal based on their activeness to any event held will be awarded a small token of appreciation at the end of the year
Acknowledging Sponsor’s & BSLY T-shirt
“It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in giving”
Whatsoever the event hosted by BSLY, it is impossible without our valued sponsor. The seminar was held to acknowledge our sponsor with believe, member have little knowledge who sponsored for the event. In short, the seminar focused on get to know with the sponsors and acknowledge them individually, but as said and done some of our sponsor couldn’t made themselves for the seminar due to busyness of life.
Mr. Deepen Raj Ghalley also focused more on the T-SHIRT selling.
Short report on T-SHIRT
Actual price
Market price
The actual cost for both T-shirt as well the print was nu.350. The overall cost for the T-shirt was decided to keep it as Nu.500 because the profit, Nu 150, will be solely used on the office expenditures (picture frames).
Note: The T-shirt was printed at Amen Arts and Prints.

Futsal competition
The futsal completion was organized by the Chanjiji youth center in collaboration with Department of Youth and Sport to promote Young Bhutan Network (YBN).
The futsal event will be held on 28 and 29 of April, 2018.
BSLY will be soon registered under YBN.
YBN: It’s funded and supported by UNICEF, initiated by Department of Youth and Sports (MOE).
YBN focus more to streamline the functions of youth-led groups in Bhutan and to facilitate improved coordination among them, a guideline for youth-led groups.
At present there are 12 youth-led groups.

The seminar was concluded with some suggestion and question answer.

Minutes prepared by Deepen Raj Ghalley

Young Bhutan Network- Mass Cleaning Awareness Campaign

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead

It was a great privilege for Bhutan Sharing & Loving Youth to lead and organize a Mass Cleaning Awareness Campaign along Memorial Chorten to Changidaphu (Kalabazar) area in Thimphu. This was a first activity initiated after we joined Young Bhutan Network created by Department of Youth and Sports under Ministry of Education. It is a start of a collaborative work among DYS, Y-VIA, Harmony Youth Volunteers, Daisan and Clean Bhutan. We look forward to build strong network in future 
BSLY would like to thank our kind sponsors, 
1. Mr. Bijay Rai (UMS resturant)
2. Mr. Ran Bdr Ghalley (Brother enterprise)
3. Ms. Eliza Rai (Bumpa Arts and Prints)
4. Mr. Tenzin (Phunsum Optical) and all the coordinators and volunteers of BSLY, Y-VIA, Harmony Youth Volunteers, Daisan and Clean Bhutan.

Co-coordinators of different volunteer groups.

Launch of the BSLY official Blog

The long waited Launch of BSLY official blog was graced by our little master Chogyel Dorji (known to all as Golu), son of Ms. Sonam Yangki (The Morning Sun). 
BSLY aims to inspire the young people to become a true citizen with a true spirit of volunteerism. 

Prior Activities

February 17, 2018
Cremation of an abandoned man who expired in Phuntsholing General Hospital. 

It was worth meeting a true volunteer Mr. Ugen UD Dorjee and his team of HEAL volunteers and working with you. Team HEAL and the volunteers of BSLY, pling region, worked selflessly attending the abandoned old man. Unfortunately the old man passed away on the morning of Daw Dangpa Losar. However, sacrificing the losar the volunteers proceeded for the cremation and spent the losar with the body. Thanks to all the individuals supporters, monk body, cremation ground caretaker, Phuntsholing Thrompon, Mr. Uttar Kr. Rai and Yamtshen Chenge Detshen (YCD) for your support.

February 10, 2018
BSLY team in 3rd Bhutanese Blogger's Conference themed, "My Story, Our Legacy"

February 9, 2018
BSLY team participating in the orientation of the new networking group #YoungBhutanNetwork initiated by Department of Youth and Sports which look forward to streamline the functions of young-led groups in Bhutan and to facilitate improved coordination among them.

January 20, 2018
Orientation program on BSLY Vision, mission objectives & seeking the feedback & suggestion from active youth volunteer of different organization.

November 30, 2017
BSLY story on Business Bhutan by Mr. Jigme Wangchen.

November 19, 2017
Cleaning Awarness Campaing with the theme " our place,our planet & our responsibility" and a launch of BSLY T-shirt at kuenselphodrang, Thimphu. 

October 14, 2017
BSLY volunteers attending a training session about "Project Planning " facilitated by JCI APDC team, to inspire young people to recognize their responsibility to create a better world and empower them to drive change. 

October 1, 2017
Supporting the Royal Society for Senior Citizen to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Senior Citizen Day.

BSLY is overwhelmed with the #REBELKHORLO certifiicate issued by Royal Society of Senior Citizens that oil the wheel of the volunteers to work hard and pursue our future goals.

August 27, 2017
clearing the debris and making a temporary shelter for an abandoned man, Aap Gyeltshen, whose house was burnt to ashes. 

July 21, 2017
Fund raising for physically challenged people. Organized in collaboration with Mrs. Sonam Yangki (the character behind the book 'The Morning Sun') and Ability Bhutan Society (ABS).

July 4, 2017
BSLY team joined the Awareness Walk from Simtokha till Clock tower Thimphu,which was organized by Bhutan Kidney Foundation.

April 30, 2017
Helping Aap Gyeltshen who is elderly and a physical challenged man to prevent from summer rain by laying a plastic roof for his hut.

April 14, 2017
BSLY joined hands with CPA and taking part in National Drug Awareness Campaign 2017, organized by Chithuen Phendhey Association (CPA) with the theme "Society of Concern, Together for a Drug free Bhutan".

March 12, 2017

Helping a physically challenged elderly man, Aap Gyeltshen, who lives by himself. We gave the 65-year- old man a neat haircut, cleaned his house, and surroundings too.

March 12, 2017
Our volunteers helped Aap Chojey to take bath and washed clothes. Aap Chojey's story had gone viral on facebook. He been paralysed & sick for years with no one to look after him. He was all alone. Thanks to Mr.Ugyen Lhendup, Dasho C Dorji from RSSC and other Volunteers like madam Yeshey Dema,madam Peday for their selfless service to Ap.Chojey.

 Aap Chojey's Story in FB

 BSLY Phuntsholing volunteers found Aap Chojey and helped him clean and bath

Aap Chojey taken to Phuntsholing General Hospital

  Aap Chojey in Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital, Thimphu

March 10, 2017 
Talk with Mr.Tshewang, Executive Director of Chithuen Phendey Association, regarding the National Drug Awareness Campaign 2017 coordinated by CPA. 

March 05, 2015

BSLY raised donation of Nu.1500 for School expenditure to a class IX student girl. She is staying with her grandma and brother who is also physically challenged (Paralyze) at Kidney Patient Guest House Thimphu. 

March 5, 2018

Mr.Tandin and Mr.Rinchen are visually impaired and are abandoned by family and relatives. JDWNRN Hospital ward has become their home for years.

February 27, 2017
Fund Raising show for needy & paralyzed patient at Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan Auditorium. Our heartfelt gratitude to the Dr. Chencho Dorji, Dean of KGUMS, for sparing us your space. The core theme of the show was to Advocate youth about the value of social Responsibility & enhance their Talent.
The main objectives of the show was:
• To lend a helping hand to needy and paralyze patients.
• To promote the role of young people as positive actors of change.
• To developed the sense of Social responsibility among our youth.
• To develop the sense of humanity in the society.
The 100% of the total net profit generated from the show was fully utilized for the welfare of the needy & paralyzed patients.

January 8, 2017

BSLY story on national news channel, Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) covered by Miss Sonam Choden.

*** Prior to Bhutan Sharing & Loving Youths, BSLY was named Bhutan Sustainable Loving Youths.

December 4, 2016

Helping Tshampa to carry construction materials for Tshamkang.

December 3, 2016

Mass cleaning campaign to clean the drain along the Norling-Druk Shopping Complex area (Dondrup Lam-Norzin Lam 2) in Thimphu.