Date: 24/06/2018
Venue: Changjiji Housing Complex

One of the greatest gift you can give is your time.- Volunteer.
As a BSLY volunteer we share our time for great cause in a smaller way "because sharing is loving". So we share our time to create a loving & caring society. Together we can!

Cleaning is not a responsibility of others. One should be responsible for our own waste. If you can manage your own waste, the world would be the cleanest. The volunteers of Bhutan Sharing and Loving Youth gave our time to supported the cleaning awareness program organized by Changjijji Youth Center on a theme "You Waste, You Manage"  and with the message "Where we live must be CLEAN, SAFE, ORGANIZED and BEAUTIFUL for our National Integrity, National Pride and for our Bright Future. This too is Nation Building".

Venue: Tashichhoe Dzong

BSLY in collaboration with other youth groups affiliated with Young Bhutan Network did tree plantation program to commemorate coronation of the Fourth King and celebrate social Forestry Day. The Theme for the day was "Step up for Environment, Stand up for Future"
In the evening the teams also showcased the Open Mic show at BCMD media lab.